5 Moxie P’s to Discovering What’s Next

5 Moxie P’s to Discovering What’s Next

By the time our kids are in high school and more self-sufficient, we have been working hard at a job, career, or business to make ends meet. We run a household and with all we juggle, still setting a good example for our kids. What we have been doing all along to earn...
Are You Waiting Permission?

Are You Waiting Permission?

It was eye-opening as my daughter shared about the class she was taking. It was her junior year of college; she was required to include a professional practices class. The purpose was to prepare her for the future by learning to set goals and designing a plan for her...
Your Moxie Progress Report!

Your Moxie Progress Report!

It’s progress time – your progress report for your year. Moxie women love goals and Moxifying what they do, so a new quarter is a perfect time to revisit what you set out to do back at the start of the new year and make necessary adjustments to assure...
Flexing Your Moxie

Flexing Your Moxie

What is Moxie? You are unique, and so is your Moxie. But what is Moxie? There are the dictionary terms, but our Moxie is so much more than the “grit, boldness, determination” that the dictionary or thesaurus list. It’s more of the collection of...