
What is Moxie?

You are unique, and so is your Moxie.

But what is Moxie?

There are the dictionary terms, but our Moxie is so much more than the “grit, boldness, determination” that the dictionary or thesaurus list. It’s more of the collection of gifts, talents, strengths, potential, everything we were designed with and lives inside us.

However, being uniquely created, YOUR definition of Moxie will be your unique blend of these plus your life experiences.

Moxie Styles

Next, If we consider our personalities, Moxie can be broken down into four styles to start.

Cool Moxie, Outgoing Moxie, Enthusiastic Moxie, and Steady Moxie.

Together, these styles plus your unique qualities will reveal your Moxie personality style, how you do things, how you think, love and how you put yourself out there.

As you look at the Moxie Style Chart, you’ll recognize your dominant Moxie style and one more dormant. You’ll also find you are a combination of styles. That blend and how you flex it is how you live your definition of Moxie.

Flexing Our Moxie

The problem we face is not living out life confidently in our Moxie style. It begins when we let those old tapes run in our imagination, and we begin to believe those old lies. It’s these lies that cause us to feel held back.

It sort of sneaks up on us. That’s when one day you realize and wonder how you got to where you are and suddenly feel stuck. And being stuck, if we find comfort in our stuckedness – only leads to regret later. The “woulda-coulda-shoulda’s.”

Let’s avoid that right now!

As a Moxie sister determine your Moxie style and live it.

You’ll discover your Moxie is the very core of who you are, how you live and envision your life. By flexing it, you will shed the layers of crap from your past and move forward toward who you are called to be because it’s about moving toward your bold life 2.0, not taking the old life with you.

Today I challenge you to stop looking in your rearview mirror at the past. That’s done.

Embrace and flex your Moxie as your motivation, your strength, and your ability to reach what is ahead.

Look to it as you take bold action and the exciting risks to get where you want your life to go.

Regardless of how you define your Moxie, we have certain traits in common.

We all are ready for more.
We are risk takers in our own way.

Most of all, we don’t stand still or stand in our own way!

Sister, you are ready for more.

Look at the Moxie Style sheet and find out what your dominant and dormant styles of Moxie are and what your definition of Moxie is. You can download your Moxie Style worksheet here!

Be empowered by your unique blend of Moxie and discover how it can propel you forward.

You are ready for what’s next, and I want to help you discover your possibilities and flex your Moxie to design your ‘life 2.0’!  Schedule your free chat today at www.themoxiewoman.com.