
It’s progress time – your progress report for your year.

Moxie women love goals and Moxifying what they do, so a new quarter is a perfect time to revisit what you set out to do back at the start of the new year and make necessary adjustments to assure you’re achieving what you have set out to do!

What is your mantra or theme for the year – that one big thing you want to achieve? This theme is your guiding star, and that helps you set your to-do’s and plans and propel you toward an excellent year. If you don’t have a theme yet, it’s not too late, take some time now and decide on yours.

As you look back on the year so far and ahead at the year and the quarter, take your time, get away from distractions.

Here are eight tips for flexing your Moxie for a strong quarter, year and life.

1 – Have a Moxified Plan.

Floating through the year without one only leaves you stuck in the status quo you’ve developed. Make your plan. Think BIG. Dare to make a list of all the SUPER BIG things that you barely dare to dream of. You know the ones that would scare the &%#! out of you if they happened.  And really, how scary would it be?

If you can dream it, you are certainly equipped to accomplish it. You will be ready for anything you say “yes” to. Now, what needs to happen to get there? Break it down into steps.

2 – A Daring Focus.

We are bold and busy women. We are pulled in multiple directions at the same time by other people’s needs, and requests will continue to hijack you so long as you allow. I challenge you to use your Moxie and Focus.

Dare to focus on what is most important to you – and YOU should be at the top of the list. Take care of yourself, Body, Mind, and Soul. Only when you are in top condition can you be of greater value and impact for others’ needs and requests. Self-sacrifice serves no one.

Focus on and create a plan for regular self-time daily and weekly. Plan it on your calendar like you would a doctor’s appointment and commit to it. Self-time may seem counter-intuitive to the “superwoman” role you have, but you will feel even more super when you commit to a Daring Focus.

3 – Moxie to Let Go.

What are you holding on to something you shouldn’t be? A negative person or circumstance? An activity or belief that is no longer serving you? The more space we have in our lives, the more space is available for new.

Your Moxie in letting go can be in the form of forgiveness – of yourself or others, a changed habit, or letting go of serving in a way your heart doesn’t find joyful anymore. Letting go could allow the opportunity for someone whose heart would serve joyfully. It’s time to flex your Moxie and Let Go.

4 – The Stamina to Cleanse.

This can mean something different for each of us. Cleanse your life of poor habits, cleanse your body of the toxins that are so common in our food. Cleanse your living space of the meaningless “stuff” you tend to collect. Cleanse your social calendar of things that suck your time. Cleanse yourself of negative people.

As a Moxie woman, you are encouraged to “renew your mind daily.” Pay attention to what you are putting into your mind and heart that is later revealing itself through your moods, actions, and words.

Toss out old mental tapes, rules, and lies you’ve made up, you deserve better. Imagine how much more mental energy is available for joy, happiness, and positive thoughts! You are a Moxie woman, use your Stamina to Cleanse.

5 – Fearlessly Learn.

You are never too old to learn, and it’s never been easier! What is or should be on your bucket list?

Discover your choices for local and virtual learning experiences. Take a class, learn a language, take up a new sport. Do it big, do something surprising, do something for yourself because you have to feed your Moxie so Fearlessly Learn!

6 – Boldly Connect.

Connect with your Moxie self. You were designed and created uniquely and equipped with the strengths and gifts for a greater purpose. Take the time to connect with yourself and discover your strengths more deeply. If you stay hung up on old decisions, regrets, or a slave to people-pleasing will become obstacles that will hold you back from living to your fullest potential.

Boldly connect with your Moxie, your inner strength and explore it, declare it and then boldly play, you will find a connection that will bring such fulfillment and satisfaction and other people will take notice.  Take the time and attention to Boldly Connect.

7 – Have the Fortitude to Accept.

Accept yourself for the Moxie beauty you are, as you are right now. You have been conditioned not to be worthy of compliments or think too highly of yourself which only causes you to be dissatisfied with who we are. You are incomparable, so how can you compare yourself or your life with anyone else? You can’t be anyone else – they are already taken!

Can you always be improving? Yes!, but while you may not be where you want to be, you aren’t where you were. Let your dissatisfaction be your motivation for the things that you can change and call upon your Moxie to carry out that change. Have the Fortitude to Accept yourself as the amazing Moxie woman you are.

8 – Flex your Moxie and Push your Boundaries!

What is on your bucket list? Are those things scary? Pick one thing that scares you and do it, check the box and see just how easy it was! What will you do this quarter to flex you Moxie and push your boundaries?

So how is your year shaping up? What new plans will you make for Moxifying this new quarter?

What’s Next?

Are you finding you aren’t sure where to start or what you want to do in this next season of life? Do you find you have more time and wondering what to do next? The Moxie Sisterhood coaching offers a signature coaching program that will give you clarity, direction and the steps to discovering, designing and achieving what you want to do when you “grow up.” Are you ready? Let’s talk about what you are looking for – www.themoxiewoman.com