
You are probably familiar with the phrase “Make it up as you go,” well there’s a variation I like better – “Make your own way”.

The second phrase seems to be how I like to roll, how about you?

The first phrase sounds a little “loose” compared to the second, doesn’t it? The “make it up” sounds like you don’t know what you’re doing, sort of fickle, and you are just flailing.

The “make your own way” comes across like there’s a plan but no model to follow – you are forging your own path with determination – or Moxie.

As Moxie women we anticipate the next life-season and are ready to design and embrace, what I call, life 2.0. We share the common desire and drive to focus on making our imprint on the world by knowing and living our purpose and calling.

We also share the fact we are women of multiple talents, passions, experiences, and gifts. We weren’t born to do just one thing.

By understanding our unique Moxie-blend of talents, passions, and experiences, we can begin to design and achieve a reinvented lifestyle or career which fulfills our purpose and calling. And it is this Moxie blend that makes us, not “multi-passionate” but “multi-gifted” or shall we call it “Moxie-gifted!”

Being Moxie-gifted makes designing life 2.0 exciting because you will truly shine!

You are more than multi-passionate

The popular term “multi-passionate” is used to describe those who have multiple interests and even a variety of vocations, but the phrase draws on the emotion of “passion.”

Passion is primarily a feeling, and feelings can be fickle. How often have you followed your passion to a certain activity until boredom set in or a negative experience caused your passion to fade, and you move on to something else that makes you feel, well, passionate? Sounds pretty fickle to me, like the “make it up as you go” statement. As a “multi-passionate” we leave a trail of discarded interests.

BUT, as a Moxie, “multi-gifted” woman it’s more than just passion. We are born with specific gifts and talents. That’s why some things come so easily to us. Our gifts are honed over time with practice and experience and come naturally in ways we probably don’t always recognize. So being “multi-gifted” saying “Make your own way” or “Find your own way” create a journey of experiences that all build on one another.

What being Multi-Gifted means today

Recently, I looked back over my last ten-year journey with the eyes of a “multi-gifted” or Moxie-gifted, woman found a new perspective. I realize how blessed we are to live in this amazing time in history.

We have amazing resources and possibilities at our fingertips and opportunities our female ancestors may never even dreamed possible.

During the last ten years, I created two new businesses in addition to my established photography business. The trouble was, I couldn’t figure out they all could or should fit together.

Each is an extension of my passions and talents, so of course, there was overlap. But without being able to put the pieces together and identify what I was meant to do with each one, my direction had been rather fuzzy.

What I didn’t realize is I was looking at each business make it one; I was trying to pigeonhole myself to doing just one thing. That’s when I realized being multi-gifted, it’s ok to do it all.

I remembered something my coach would always say. “Why have one thing OR the other, why not one thing AND the other?”  And the truth is, I can. You can.

What I do and how I intend to do it isn’t out there – I am making my way. I trust what you want to do isn’t either, and that’s good, it makes our life 2.0 that much more exciting, and with the era, we live in, more than ever anything is possible!

But how do you do make everything come together in a way that works and makes it possible? Ah, that’s where I love to shine and want you to also.

Here are my Pearls of Wisdom for making your way as a Moxie-gifted woman –

1. Begin with the self-acceptance that you are multi-gifted. Your gifts should not be kept dormant for any reason (sometimes this happens when we are told as a kid what we want to do isn’t a proper career path)
2. Give yourself permission to explore your gifts, talents, experiences, etc. to see what surfaces. You may be amazed at how answers are sometimes right in front of you.
3. Explore how your talents and interests overlap and enhance each other
4. Discover and identify when you are in your “zone” when something comes so naturally that you become pumped up and in flow.
5. Dream and journal, in detail, your big audacious dreams and intentions
6. Outline the steps for what it will take to get there.
7. Recognize the discipline you’ll need so your actions support and lead to your intentions.
8. Flex your Moxie to be who you are called to be, ignore the garbage from your past and go full-out toward life 2.0
9. Be flexible, self-compassionate and allow yourself to evolve
10. Make your own way, your way!

Are you ready to discover and flex your Moxie-gifts for an exciting life 2.0?

What gifts do you have and are there any you haven’t acknowledged?

What big audacious goals are possible for your life or work?

Post your comments below, and if I can guide you to discover your Moxie-gifts and possibilities contact me at cheryl@cherylkaiser.com