
So when is looking over your shoulder a good thing?

While it sometimes means you are guilty of something and nervous about being found out, in the case of figuring out what’s next for your business or life, it’s the right thing to do.

As bold, achieving women, we spend quite a bit of mental energy thinking about what’s ahead and focusing on what we haven’t accomplished yet. This causes us to overlook the importance of what we already accomplished. This is an important piece of the puzzle as we develop our vision and design the steps for What’s Next and to not remain stuck in a place of thinking we will never be good enough, meet our dreams, or be able to change.

There have been many times, I’d begin that slippery slope of discouragement because I was not living up to some plan I had for myself or things weren’t going according to my hopes. You can probably relate. Then, in my talking it through with a friend, she’d remind to stop and breathe and think about all the things I already have accomplished. These conversations always brought a new perspective of what I’ve done because I’m seeing it now through her eyes. I’d leave the conversation with new awareness and inspiration and most of all, sense of comfort.

You may have even been told how you know more than you think you do, or you are better at something than you give yourself credit for. There is a reason these sayings exist. We see our blessings, our lives, our talents and accomplishments through our lens which includes the filters of all the baggage we hang on to. It takes outside perspective to see it in a new way. Have you ever taken a walk or a hike and enjoyed what’s around you but upon the return everything looks different and new? It’s all perspective. And I want you to do this for yourself (though, having a friend’s honest perspective always helps!).

When I coach Moxie women, the first step is taking that walk back in time to create a foundation for reinvention and designing the steps for What’s Next.

I encourage you to do this as well. Spend some time and brainstorm everything you’ve accomplished, big or small, as far back as you can remember. What have been your “wins”? Include a list of your talents and passions too. Enlist the help of a good friend or family member who can remind you of “the time you…” and “remember when…” and don’t discount anything, add it to the list. Now is not a time to be falsely humble. It’s a time, to be honest, and give yourself credit.

Listing your accomplishments is an exercise that will evolve; it isn’t a one-time task. You will look at this list and be surprised at how much more you’ve done that you thought. How do you feel now? Ready to take those steps toward Achieving your dreams and reinvention?

So What’s Next?

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Wheather you are ready for Exploring, Designing or Achieving What’s Next, let’s chat about your achieving What’s Next.  Schedule your chat here.


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