
It was eye-opening as my daughter shared about the class she was taking.

It was her junior year of college; she was required to include a professional practices class. The purpose was to prepare her for the future by learning to set goals and designing a plan for her life and career. She learned to identify what she would have to do to accomplish to pursue her life goals.

Then she mentioned something that I had never realized, and it made perfect sense. It was something I hadn’t thought of until then – she doesn’t need permission to have a life she wants.

I asked her to tell me more about that statement.

She went on to explain how all our lives we are directed on everything we do – what to do, when to do it, how to do it.

As children, we expect our parents to guide us – when it was time to go to bed, time to go to school, time to brush your teeth.

In school, we rely on our teachers, guidance counselors, and coaches – time for class, time to select your career or college, time for the game. When we get a little older, we are given “the nod” that it’s ok to get our driver’s permit or find a small job to learn responsibility and earn gas money.

Having guidance is intended for our good of course, and it is necessary…but in many cases, we reach the threshold of adulthood, and suddenly we are supposed to know what to do next. We are expected to act and be adults out in the real world, but we find ourselves somewhat ill-equipped to know what to do next because we are waiting for that “nod” or permission to do what’s next.

Subconsciously, as adults, we still wait for direction and permission, especially in areas we might be less self-assured. We are conditioned to wait for the ok that we are ready, for the “right time,” “right age,” “right way” for what’s next.

Is it any wonder we feel stuck in areas of our lives?!

Instead of stepping out, just choosing to go and be the best we can be, we wait for permission and then wonder why we feel left behind as others excel.

This topic was pivotal for me.

I realized as an older adult; I too still wait for permission. But no more.

I was allowing my inner imposter to run the show, waiting for my time until “someone” would say to me “ok, now it’s time”. As if I needed someone to give me permission to be a grown-up, or do what I’d dreamed of doing or of being. I was waiting to be given “the nod” that I was now good enough – to be successful, to take a chance, to be more of who I am. It’s no wonder I was feeling held back.

Who is we are waiting for permission from anyway?

Where do you sense you are still waiting too?

Moxie Sister, there IS someone ready to give you permission– yourself.

It is our limiting thinking that doesn’t grant us the permission we are waiting for.

When my daughter finished, I decided then and there to give myself permission.

I wonder where would I be now if I had given myself permission 5, 15 or 25 years ago.

So, in case you might still be waiting for permission- here it is from one woman with Moxie to another:

You have permission!

You have permission to be yourself without judgment.

Permission to pursue your passions, your calling or to rediscover who YOU are!

You have permission to challenge and change yourself because you can and you have the Moxie. Just do YOU!

Understandably sometimes we need some guidance. I have needed guidance in several areas of my life so I seek out those who can challenge me to grow potential because it is a journey after all.

Are you ready to redefine your identity in life, business or faith and reset your steps for a bold ‘life 2.0’?

I want to invite you to a free 30-minute coaching call and let’s talk about where you are stuck – I’ll help you gain insight and clarity and you’ll come away with actionable steps to move forward.

Give yourself permission to succeed!

Click here to schedule your call today!