
You are an achiever, building your life to be a bold reflection of your passions and talents. You are the go-getter, confident and have accomplished and endured many things that you may not even realize until you stop to think about it..damn you have Moxie!

Now there’s midlife, bringing on new challenges and some unwelcomed surprises (enter hot flashes) coupled with some confusion and question about where our strength, perseverance and passion has gone and what’s ahead for our direction.

There is hope however for bold and determined women like us! This season in our life brings on a new sense of confidence and Moxie. We begin to see how we are becoming the women we are meant to be, growing into ourselves and that brings on a new sense of determination, strength and what really matters.

What we need now is to own and flex our new sense of Moxie and rekindle the adventure and direction and enjoy a new journey of greater freedom knowing and readiness to tackle anything we set out mind to. No way are we ready to fade out with our estrogen levels, there’s still so much to do, and as Moxie women we are just getting started!

As I interact and work with other Moxie women, there is a common statement I hear over and over, “I have no idea what to do about what’s next or how to get started.”

Life has changed and we get stuck sometimes. Stuck waiting for something, we don’t know what. Ladies, time is of the essence and there’s not time to sit back waiting for permission.

We don’t need permission to move or find a direction and start. Could we fail? Maybe, but that’s ok, we’ll have a great story and new experience and wisdom.

Will we succeed? Probably beyond our dreams and in ways we can’t imagine – that is God’s thing, but we have to actually take action and stop waiting.

So it’s time to dust off your dreams and goals that have been put on hold (or even dismissed) while you built a life for you and your family, it’s time to flex your Moxie and give yourself permission to start.

You have permission…

  •  To succeed at your goals, the bigger the better!
  •  To earn a living and make a profit.
  •  To take a chance and enjoy the outcome no matter how it turns out!
  •  To be confident in who and how you are, you are already amazing.
  •  To make mistakes – that’s how wisdom is gained.
  •  To change your mind without apology.
  •  To say “no” or “not now” – stop people-pleasing, it doesn’t serve anyone.
  •  To say “yes” if you feel like it.
  •  To enjoy and celebrate your femininity.
  •  To be free of any guilt of past choices.
  •  To try something new and “out of character” (keep others guessing!).
  •  To not compare yourself only with yourself.
  •  To take a healthy, bold risk in faith.
  •  To have faith and speak it.
  •  To value who you are and what you bring to the world (God does!).
  •  To avoid negative people or who try to squash your Moxie
  •  To feel sad, angry or confused as long as you don’t allow it to take over your life.
  •  To be who you are – quirks, faults, and weaknesses.
  •  To not apologize for things you didn’t cause, it diminishes your strength and confidence.
  •  To follow and act on your intuition, it’s usually right.
  •  To reinvent, reignite or pivot as your calling shifts to be more in alignment with your purpose.
  •  To explore what calls to your heart.
  •  To be proud of not being part of the crowd and blending into the status quo – that’s what makes you a Moxie woman!

You may not be where you want to be, but you aren’t where you were, and you are getting better by the day!

So begin today and give yourself permission to bring all your Moxie to your life and live big!

Are you wondering what’s next and need some direction to get started?  Contact me at www.MyMoxieStrategy.com and let’s strategize your next season, Life 2.0 to be full of adventure  and Moxie!