
“If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford.

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Let’s think of this in terms of your business.

The first part is easy if you think or believe you can, you will. You are a driven woman with Moxie, and even if you are only figuring it out along the way, you are making progress toward your success goals.

But what about the second half of that quote?

Do you waver or doubt even a little? Do you feel as if something is standing in your way or holding you back from realizing success? Are YOU are standing in YOUR way?

Let’s look at a few underlying reasons why you may not be realizing the success you desire.

  • You believe you should be succeeding but don’t truly think you will.

 You may simply be comfortable where you are, or perhaps you don’t truly believe in what you are doing. Look closely at your heart and ask why you don’t think you’ll succeed. The answers are in there.

  • You want success, badly, but tend not to act, yet are ‘busy.’

Also known as “spinning your wheels”. Ask yourself if you really want to be in the business you currently have. Is it purposeful for those clients you serve and is it offering you the fulfillment and lifestyle you want? It’s ok to evolve and reinvent yourself and your business, or even to pivot to a new business!

  • Your business doesn’t align with your motivations or values

 Did someone tell you that this is an easy way to make money? “Easy money” can be a dangerous kind of business for a Moxie woman. It can be difficult to believe in what you are doing because it’s only money-driven and probably isn’t aligned with your values or your calling. Can you take the skills you have built and apply them to what makes you happy?

  • Personal baggage holds you back.

Our internal baggage is where fear, the imposter and the saboteur hideout. Your negative self-talk of past failures or decisions, others’ words or actions build up into layers of gunk. I call this “gunk” filters – like on the front of a camera lens – that alter how your heart and mind answer your true calling. They hold you back from what you are designed to be – a Moxie Woman in Business!

  • You don’t believe in what you are offering.

 You know what you are doing is your calling, yet it isn’t quite right. Deeper self-exploration and true listening to your heart are important. If you don’t believe in what you are doing, why should your clients?

  • You don’t know what you don’t know.

Has your business changed, and you just can’t put your finger on why or how? Take some time, step back and look with fresh eyes at yourself and your business; client expectations and their lifestyles; your offerings. Look at your big picture with fresh eyes. Is it time to reignite your passion or maybe reinvent your business? Look at your industry and how your peers and competitors are doing business. Is there something that they know that you don’t? Delving into some new inspiration and ideas can be fun and exciting and breathe new life into your inspiration and creativity and business!

A quote that came to my heart that has kept me motivated is

“Let your dissatisfaction be your motivation!”

You have the power and ability to reignite your passion, reinvent yourself and your business and pivot if you choose so you will believe you CAN.

Where do you see yourself? Do you believe you can and will? Do you own your vision for success and believe in it? When you completely believe, you will act and make progress necessary to achieve success.

Do you find yourself in one of the doubtful areas? What one thing can you do today to change your doubtful thinking – to flip a lie to truth, to filter out the world and see into your heart and listen?

Most importantly, remember that if you believe you can, you will, and you will be right!

Forget the second half of that Henry Ford quote because –

Courage + Tenacity = Moxie, and you have the Moxie to succeed!

If you find yourself in any of these doubtful areas, let’s talk because I’ve been there. I’ve found my calling in empowering creative women entrepreneurs like yourself, to show up boldly in their businesses so they can meet their goals for success. Are you ready to make progress toward your success?

Schedule your free Discover [em]Power chat and talk about your vision for success – www.TheMoxieLady.com