
We are each in a different place when it comes to our calling. When you are discontented in life and are looking to have a Moxie-filled ‘Life 2.0’ here are a few things to consider.

1. Are you already living your calling, doing work that you love?

You may be fulfilled with what you are doing, the success and impact you are achieving and can’t imagine doing anything else. If you had to stop what you are doing for any reason, you would experience a sense of mourning.

If your business still makes an impact, growing and viable and successfully serving your ideal client, evolve as an entrepreneur and woman, together with with your business. Continue to accomplish what you love – knowing God has given you this calling.

2. Are you doing work you love but feel unsettled?

In feeling uncertain, not quite where you think you should be as far as your business and how you’ve grown, you ARE certain something needs to change or shift. Your thoughts may often come to other ideas you want to try, or maybe you’ve had an idea for new business and now seems to be the time to make changes. After all, you’ve grown to be more confident and fearless, circumstances have changed so that you can consider it now. For entrepreneurs, this can be the scenario when you’ve evolved in a different way than your business has.

This would be an indicator it’s time for reinvention of your business and renew your calling and design reinvention so both are in alignment again.

3. Are you missing your calling completely?

This is when we wake up one day and ask ourselves how in the world we got here? Time has passed, you know you are not living your calling and maybe feeling trapped, and you are ready to find it! For entrepreneurs, it’s been a slow drain, but then you catch yourself thinking how you no longer care and don’t have the energy, it’s time for a pivot.

Pivoting can happen when you take the time to rediscover your calling, not just for your business, but to rediscover who you have become. We have endless opportunities to build a business that reflects our strengths, our personality, and our life story. When we look inward at who we have become – God will reveal the answer to your calling.

Are you ready to evolve, reinvent, or pivot? Where do you fit in these scenarios?

Maybe it’s time to contact me and together we will rediscover your calling for a Moxie-filled “life 2.0”!

Schedule your free chat and let’s discover how we can work together!