by Cheryl | Mar 26, 2019 | Coaching & Mentoring
What is Moxie? You are unique, and so is your Moxie. But what is Moxie? There are the dictionary terms, but our Moxie is so much more than the “grit, boldness, determination” that the dictionary or thesaurus list. It’s more of the collection of...
by Cheryl | Mar 12, 2019 | Inspiration & Faith
You are probably familiar with the phrase “Make it up as you go,” well there’s a variation I like better – “Make your own way”. The second phrase seems to be how I like to roll, how about you? The first phrase sounds a little...
by Cheryl | Feb 26, 2019 | Business and Entrepreneurship
There are any number of things that could answer why your business doesn’t have more of the perfect clients. Over the 30 years in business as a professional photographer, there have been many things that I’ve learned (usually the hard way). The one I found...
by Cheryl | Feb 19, 2019 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Inspiration & Faith
Being in business as a creative woman takes not just resources of time and work, it takes Moxie. What do I mean by that? Yes, Moxie is our grit, boldness, tenacity and it does take all that; but do you realize how much of your Moxie you flex just by designing and...
by Cheryl | Feb 12, 2019 | Business and Entrepreneurship
As entrepreneurs creative about growing our businesses, we seem to find ideas everywhere. I’ve been carrying a notebook of some kind with me for years because I never know when a new idea will hit me (I’m analog in this because I don’t go back...