

As entrepreneurs creative about growing our businesses, we seem to find ideas everywhere. I’ve been carrying a notebook of some kind with me for years because I never know when a new idea will hit me (I’m analog in this because I don’t go back to electronic notes).

Each idea potentially leads to another. And another.

What do we do next the first chance we have? We head to the search engines which make it convenient to find validation, more ideas, and fuel for our thoughts; the whimsical and the serious ones. However, what happens is this “research” only leads to being overwhelmed.

We begin to overthink the importance of just about any idea that comes along and collect even more ideas. And more.

Researching how others have applied the idea, we reverse engineer how they did it perhaps and even purchase a course, buy a book or join a mailing list.

How often has all this research ended with not implementation but only a collection of programs never finished, unread books, a clogged email box, and credit card charges?

The overwhelm begins with the research bunny-trail –

– Which nugget of information on this idea is correct?
– Is this worthy of implementing in my business?
– Is this a new direction?
– What do I do next?

Does this sound like you?  It’s part of my story too – way more often than I care to admit.  I find myself searching and suddenly realize I don’t recall the original reason for opening the browser!

As a creative person, it’s often difficult to turn off the ideation, and that’s ok. We can’t change the world without ideas. The important thing is to harness the good ones.

So when you have a good idea, take a minute BEFORE you open the browser and check these Pearls of Moxie Wisdom to either float or pop the idea bubble.

1. Make a note of your original idea, the thought process behind it and why it’s a good idea.
2. Create what I call “the brain dump.” Get it all down on paper or however you want to remember it.
3. Set your notes aside. Sometimes revisiting them later on in the day will give you a fresh perspective.

For those ideas worthy of further consideration, ask yourself –

1. Is the main idea in alignment with my values, my brand message, and my client?
2. Will this improve profitability (return on your investment of time and money) or will I look back on this decision and wonder “what was I thinking?”
3. Will it improve productivity or client experience?
4. Will it be unique to my business or am I just going to be a clone?
5. Can I apply the 24-Hour Rule?

Consider your answers. If overall, you find it is worthwhile to pursue the idea on a deeper – perfect. If not, consider ‘shelving’ the idea to revisit at a later date. Sometimes it’s just not the right time to implement a particular idea but at a later date, it might just what you were looking for.

By implementing these few simple steps before you get lost in the research – can save you time, lost productivity and an overwhelmed mind.

Have other steps you take to prevent overwhelm and implement an idea? Post it below!

Have you ‘collected’ a lot of knowledge but can’t figure out how to bring all the pieces together to build a strong foundation for your business? 

I invite you to a free “Moxie Success Strategy Session”. Let’s clarify your ideas and goals, identify where you are stuck and develop a clear action step toward your business success. The best part? It’s free.

Email me today to set up your session- Cheryl@CherylKaiser.com.