
“This special deal ends tonight.”
“Today only.”
“Click here to buy”

Creatives LOVE new ideas; we find inspiration and possibilities in so many things and most of the time that means we love to buy things and when we are passionate about an idea we will also justify the decision so we make the purchase or commit to what will supposedly deliver on that dream.

We’ve all done it. We are excited at the great price, get frantic to grab it now because there’s a limited amount of time or limited number available, or are taken in by the need of others and jump right in offering up our time.

How often have you done this only later to realize the item or program doesn’t fulfill what you thought it would and doesn’t fit into your business vision, or you have a calendar of commitments that you aren’t as passionate about as you thought. In both scenarios, we reacted and said yes in the height of emotion rather than responding with thought and clarity.  My credit card bills filled with charges (and interest) of those “fabulous ideas” and my incomplete to-do lists are all reminders of resources wasted because I reacted instead of responded.

Let’s talk about that. We’ve all been there.

The Pearl of Wisdom I am most passionate about sharing is the “24 Hour Rule”. This was my response to the realization of the incredible waste of resources (time and money) that I am prone to as a Creative.

Time – I formed the 24-hour rule after finding myself with an overwhelmed schedule but not getting the things done I needed to. It always begins during a meeting or in a conversation; I’m touched by the story of a group or someone’s need. Because I tend to be a people pleaser, have come to learn I have difficulty saying no and am loyal to friends, the emotion of the moment would find me raising my hand offering “I’ll do that, I’ll help!”. Later, when the emotion has subsided, I would realize the depth of what I have taken on, but it’s too late to “renegotiate” any alternatives that might be better for everyone.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t volunteer, help or assist a cause, friend or family. What I want to emphasize that we are more effective for everyone when we do the things which are our strengths. Are you saying yes for the right reasons and in the right way? Could responding with a gentle “no” or “not now” honor your time and empower the person to find a different solution or perhaps you can assist in a different way?  Options and clarity that result by waiting that 24 hours, even 12 hours can give your mind and body time to relax from the surge of emotion and reaction that find you saying yes automatically.

Flex your Moxie, give thoughtful consideration for 24 hours to anything that will require your decision of time, attention or finances.

Money – Holiday time is the season for shopping and gift giving. It’s also the time for deals, sales, short timelines to take advantage of those sales. As we come into the first quarter of the new year, it’s a big time for industry trade shows and “start your year off better” programs. All with promises of cutting-edge products and services or a better year (who says the previous year was crappy or that we didn’t meet our goals?). Regardless, all promises of a clean start.

Our culture has us conditioned to say yes to a deal and has made it incredibly easy to do so with one-click shopping, easy online payment, and in-person electronic signatures. This is when it’s most important to wait and make sure a purchase is your best yes.

When you find yourself about to say “yes,” close the internet browser or if at a conference, take the brochure or business card and walk away. Then, ask yourself some questions:

1. Will it save me time or money?
Yes, time is money, but know the exact plan for the purchase and how quickly it will begin to work for you. In other words, be aware of if it’s a “need to have” vs. a “cool to have.”

2. Will it help grow my business?
Knowing how it will it assist in bringing in new clients or help you level up what you are doing now can bring clarity. Have a plan.

3. How long before it pays for itself?
Do the math, don’t guess. If you don’t write it down, what the plan is chances are greater you won’t accomplish what you bought it for.

4. Do I have the money set aside for this?
Have you been planning for this and just waiting for this opportunity or is it a spontaneous purchase? If you’ve waited this long, can you wait longer or is affecting your work? Has it been factored into your financial plan? Do the math! Too often over the years have I purchased something in an emotional moment for it then to just sit in a closet waiting its turn to be used. Sometimes it never was.

5. Is it right for my business?
Make sure you have a specific plan for it so you can implement it immediately. I’ve spent money on equipment thinking it was going to make my work look amazing – just like the person I studied with only to find out it wasn’t right for my style. Wasted money. Again.

6. Are there alternatives?
Is this the only alternative you have and the best company to do business with, are you compromising for dollars? Sometimes waiting for the best quality at the right price is a better investment. Do some research and know when you are willing to compromise on service or quality.

7. Do I need this RIGHT now or will there be other specials during the year?
When you are pressured, especially in-person, to make a big decision default to “no.” That is a sure sign it’s not in your best interest to think it through. I’ve used this response many times. The only regret I’ve had is when I haven’t lived by it and signed up in that moment. Yup, lived with some pretty expensive, non-productive agreements that did not work for my business. The expense was of time AND money.

You have a calling to fulfill, that’s who you are designed to be, and you are entrusted with resources which brings the responsibility of being a good steward of those resources. This is what The 24-Hour Rule was designed to protect.

As we come into the holiday season and new year, make sure to make the best decision before you “mortgage” your future time and finances.

Apply the 24-hour Rule to any area of your personal life and business and see how one simple guideline can make a difference. Share your results, I’d love to hear how this worked for you.

If you are ready to work on your business, I’m ready to chat with you about your plans and goals. You can schedule your free chat when you are ready and let’s see we can work together (yes, I tell you to consider it for 24 hours!)