
Welcome to the Moxie Sisterhood’s Morning Cup of Moxie.

Today is part 1 of a series on preparing for, and planning to meet the new year head on with Moxie!

I’m Cheryl Kaiser the Women’s Moxie Empowerment Coach.

As women with Moxie we tend to see and approach things with a go big or go home attitude – that if it’s not right, we will over-plan, over -think and then be overwhelmed and wait until it is perfect, absolute and as we have a final vision for. This applies to how we approach projects, goals, even our life in general.

The failure in that thinking though is it doesn’t account for the fact that we are always growing and evolving. Yesterday’s thinking, yesterday’s courage and Moxie may not serve where you are heading. It may not serve you today and it won’t serve you tomorrow or when you look back on the upcoming year.

The more we focus on getting something perfect, the bigger we seem to see the obstacles. That thinking becomes the actual obstacle. Each excuse for not taking a step – adds a boulder to what can become a mountain. Once that begins, we tend to tell ourselves lies – it won’t work, I’m not ready, it’s not the right time, no one will care, it’s not that important anyway. We tell ourselves these lies because it’s easier to be comfortable with that mindset, keeping us from taking action, than live with the guilt of our inaction and the possibility of lost opportunity and loss of time.

And we know how fast time goes!

The lesson here is two-fold.

1. Renew your mind each morning. Pray, meditate, journal – anything to renew your mind so you can hear from your heart. Don’t let the crap of yesterday or worry about something that won’t generally come to pass, dominate your thoughts. Prepare your mind to call upon the Moxie you can rely on to serve you in whatever comes along today.

2. As you have an idea or see something you’ like to do or try, and as you plan for the new year. Do it. Write it down. Declare it. Don’t over think it. Don’t over plan it. Write down the exact steps you know you need to take. Then take one step at a time.

We evolve every day, every moment so waiting for perfection is only building a mountainous obstacle. Each excuse is a boulder. Are you building the mountain that’s keeping you from doing or becoming something more? Or will you with Moxie, walk through and around anything that was thrown in your way?

Set your mind on the job well done, and know that you will look back at the week, the day and even the year and realize how easy the journey was and the Moxie you had when you needed it and how much more you have now.

So what is on your mind to accomplish for the new year? Are you seeing mountains? Are you ready to meet the new year head on?

If you feel you would like a guide for your Moxie journey, I’d be happy to work with you to make sure you walk around any mountains and create your life living and playing with the most Moxie!

Join me next week for the Morning Cup of Moxie as we continue our series of meeting the new year head-on with Moxie!

This coming year I am planning webinars, workshops, group retreats, and personalized day retreats, so you’ll want to be ready to take advantage of these opportunities to Explore, Declare and Play!