
Let’s talk about thankfulness, and focus.

As a photographer, I can choose what to focus my camera on. I can choose to zoom in or be wide-angle and take in the entire scene, or I can flip the camera around and take a “selfie.”

As Moxie women, we choose what we focus on – the things we have, what we’ve done and what we are capable of OR what we haven’t, what we didn’t and what we aren’t.

It’s this second focus that can hold us back from truly understanding what our calling is and making progress in our lives.

When we focus on the negatives – how we haven’t lived up to personal expectations, goals, or how our lives aren’t what we thought they should be, it begins the slippery slope of what I call “selfie” focus. It’s what keeps us stuck because we keep looking at ourselves instead of the outward scene of possibilities and impact on the world.

Let’s flip it.

Flip from selfie mode to wide-angle mode and take in the whole scene.

Focus on what you do have, no matter how big or small. Focus on what you have accomplished and how far you have come and the impact and lessons – even the smallest ones you have had on the world around you.

What kind of resources do you have? What have you done that has succeeded?

Offer up even the smallest of victories with a heart full of thankfulness.

By flipping from selfie to a world-view; from lack to thankfulness, not only changes your perception, it will change your trajectory for moving toward your calling.

Thankfulness allows God to use all we have, all He has given us, and multiply it abundantly in ways we could never fathom.

We can’t do it ourselves with our own strength. We need help.

When what you’re trying to do it is not going as you planned, know there’s something else at play. Flip out of selfie mode and view the big picture – there is something more happening that you never anticipated.

My challenge to you is to take your thoughts captive – anytime you find yourself thinking of what hasn’t happened or what didn’t go as planned, flip it. Look with a new vision – what you do have, what did work, and what came of it.

It’s in this lens that you will begin not just to recognize and understand the thread of your calling, but how it affects your day, your impact on the world, and your life in a positive way.

You have Moxie – own it!

Change your lens, fill your heart with thankfulness, not shortcomings, and begin to discover the abundance and calling on your life.

How can you change your focus? Post below and join the conversation by becoming a member of the Moxie Sister Circle – a free membership group and be the first to know about the upcoming 4-week mini-courses and membership upgrade.  Learn more and join today!