
“Branding” is defined by Webster as “a public image, reputation, or identity conceived of as something to be marketed or promoted” and “a characteristic or distinctive kind.”

Why your brand is important

As a business, you build a brand. As an individual, you also have a brand. As an entrepreneur, your personal brand and your business brand are intertwined because you have built your business on your distinctive passions and your story. It’s this combination you are irresistible to the type of clients you love to serve in the same way your personal brand brings people into your life.

Your brand is the combination of business and personal, it’s one and the same.

Your brand conveys the perception of the quality and character of what you offer and builds (or hinders) your reputation and how clients decide if you are right for them.

What your brand is and how it’s built is important to your success. So how does your brand hold you back?

Ways your brand may be holding you back

Here are just 5 ways your brand might be holding you back.

1. Your visual message isn’t consistent.

The “look” of your brand – your ads, website, email – anything used in the presence of your business should be consistent. The fonts, colors, styles, and quality should be the same over and over. Using whatever template, color or font that catches your eye when making an ad or business card, isn’t being consistent.

The services of an experienced professional photographer and graphic designer to create a distinctive “look” that represents your business will separate you from any competition that is doing it themselves, and is always a good investment.

Create a database of elements that you can refer to and use for your marketing. When you look at your website, social media banners, and business cards altogether, would someone know they all came from your business?

2. Your brand’s message is inconsistent or a cliché.  

Maybe you offer a high-end product or service, but you only get bargain-hunting clients. The visual elements we talked about in #1 go hand in hand with your brand’s message – the tagline, headlines and words you use.

It’s important to become clear who your ideal client is so you can attract and fill your business specifically with who you want to work with then your message can be unique to you and consistent across every part of your business – a kind of ‘north star’ to attract that client. Think of it this way, would you use the same kind of phrases with a 17-year-old that you would with a 50-year-old?

What tagline (or taglines) do you use? Are they relevant and unique to your potential clients so know you are the right person for them or is it a cliché that every other business in your industry uses?

3. Your business and personal brand don’t align.

The difference between business and personal brands are often misunderstood if we perceive them as being separate. Since both business and personal brands are intertwined, being out of alignment would create an internal struggle because you would feel you are “selling out” or compromising in some way.

Look at your client list, reflect on the work you’ve been doing. Are the values of both brands consistent?

4. Your brand actions and expectations are inconsistent.

Consciously or unconsciously, we have certain expectations of our clients. We expect them to value our time, our talent, our attention and that they act in a manner consistent with our business. Clients have that same expectation of us.

Do you live up to those expectations during off-hours or are your actions (or those of employees) a less-than-desirable reflection of the brand and business you pour your heart and soul into – and it’s on social media for all to see?

5. You don’t think having a brand is important.

Is your brand in a time-warp because you don’t think any of this matters?

Maybe you’ve been in business for a while and never saw it as necessary to spend time or resources worrying about a brand and how it “looks” or proud that not having a brand IS your brand?

This scenario is an extreme case, but I’ve seen it. Those who had no interest in building their brand have found they-

– became disconnected from their client.

– became thought of as outdated and irrelevant.

– began to see a decline in business, motivation, and passion.

Remember, times change, lifestyles change and client’s needs change.

Your intentionally-fostered brand is how your clients know you and your business by and that affects your success!

By keeping both business and personal brand current and consistent, and making it a priority, your brand and your success will evolve as you do.  How have you built your brand to be current and align with your goals for success?

My goal is to help you be seen and heard as the “go-to” for what you do best. If you’d like to Moxify your confidence for success and brand message, I invite you to schedule a free Moxie Catalyst Strategy Session so you can create your path to success.

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