The lens we use to see ourselves is tainted and warped by the filters we use. These filters are the result of living in a broken world, and the enemy’s leverage of that brokenness to then be seen through a superficial lens to impossible standards.
Think about this and how the enemy has leveraged it to alter your perspective of your identity.
“How I see myself and why leads to…
…how I speak to myself, which leads to…
…how I think of myself, which leads to…
…how I value myself, which leads to…
…how I treat myself, which leads to…
…how I project myself when in the world and how I live my life, which leads to…
…how and if I recognize and accept opportunities, value my abilities, strengths, talents, and discover new possibilities.”
In other words, the view through the world’s lens and filters is leveraged by the enemy leaving you short-sighted with lies and stuck, usually in some level of fear and unfulfilled.
Let’s compare then to how God sees you – answer this through the lens of Truth…
“How does God see me?
How and with what words does God speak to me?
How does God value me?
How does God treat me?”
(See the difference?)
How does the unwarped, untainted Truth of looking through God’s lens, knowing he designed you to be seen and shine, change and restore your perspective and vision of who you are?
He desires you to act and move confidently, to trust Him, and accept the abundant life He wants for you and live fully in the purpose he designed you for.
God wants you to recognize and act on the opportunities he brings your way and wants to offer you his lens of change of perspective so you can clearly know and own your abilities, strengths, talents, beauty, possibilities, and confidence – unapologetically.
How does this change your perspective of yourself? Comment below and let me know.
Ready to discover yourself more deeply? Join in the upcoming virtual workshop “More Than Meets the Eye”
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