
Bam. Done. The stake is in the ground.

Change is scary. Any change activates the worst and best in us. We are excited about the possibilities, but the fears show up in so many ways. The inner critic chatter and it’s ugly cousin, the saboteur, kicks in the destructive habits (like needing permission), and you suddenly realize you are spinning your wheels, time is passing, and opportunities are passing you by, and goals and dreams are not being met.

Have you been there? Indecision has been my struggle for the last few months as I’ve questioned my perspective and self-value, and yes, sabotage with the direction and value of The Moxie Sisterhood.

I’ve been working, seemingly non-stop for two years to grow and bring value to you through the Moxie Sisterhood and the coaching programs. Yet, I was struggling for overall perspective and direction. With the help of my coach and a friend, I’ve come to realize – I get lost if I don’t listen to my heart, and there are some fears squelching my Moxie. Fear of being wrong, and doubt about my value. Both prevented me from taking action, holding me back from achieving my what’s next for the Moxie Sisterhood.

So I finally had had enough. I sucked it up and had a “sit down” with myself and decided to flex my Moxie!

Acknowledging how what lights me up made my decision so obvious. I am passionate about helping women find purpose and fulfillment through a business they love. I thrive encouraging women to bring who they are to their business and seeing women light up with ideas and possibilities. This gives me purpose, and I realized what I had wanted the Moxie Sisterhood to be all along.

For some reason, I’ve denied this. I’m not sure why. So this is me putting my stake in the ground, flexing and leveraging my Moxie. No more holding back!

The Moxie Sisterhood is where, as your coach, I can be your catalyst!

I’ll challenge you to be fearless in your business. Guide you through those is obstacles holding back from being bigger and better, and empower you to flex your Moxie and show up as the powerful, passionately driven woman and entrepreneur on the planet!

If you have been a part of the Sisterhood but not an entrepreneur, maybe you’ve had a nudging to start a business? Well, hang out with us and let me help you make that leap with Moxie!

Share this with other Moxie creative women entrepreneurs, please! Tell them about The Moxie Sisterhood and invite them to join The Moxie Sister Circle and the closed Facebook group.

So there it is. My stake is firmly in the ground!

How can you show up bigger and leverage your Moxie in your business? I can help you! Schedule your Moxie [em]Power Exploration Call today and let’s see what we can do for you!