
Making new plans and goals can be exciting.

New ideas bring with them new possibilities. If only…when I… all the thoughts that race through our heads gets our blood pumping.

Are we thinking too big or too small? How many times have you set a goal or made a plan, start all excited and determined only to feel the air in your balloon leak out, leaving you feeling disappointed and discouraged because your expectations and reality didn’t align?

Ah, therein lies the rub.

We make goals for areas of our life and business that we want to change. It’s simple. No goals, no change. When you don’t have a goal, any destination and any journey will do, but Moxie Entrepreneurs don’t roll like that because we are achievers!

If we are thinking small, we will make small, easy goals. Small goals are great if you want to coast along, but when you want to level up, this small thinking will leave you feeling stuck. By not stretching yourself, even just a little bit, leaves you exactly where you are.

Making goals that are too big for the amount of internal and external resources available to you will result in overwhelm and stress, possibly resulting in discouragement, disappointment and yes, feeling stuck.

Being overly-ambitious, I tend to make grand goals; for the year and even my week. I’ve learned a little process for planning not just my year, but a month, week and day. Of course, adjusting as needed.

Most important is your vision and knowing your Big-picture goal; the one thing you are ultimately working toward. Then, breaking down that big-picture goal into priorities and steps is what where Moxie coaching helps.

Setting you up for success and lighting a fire under you to keep you motivated!

Here is a start for your new year planning. You’ve probably heard of SMART goal-setting, well we have MOXIE goal-setting!

Make certain you have distinct, concise steps that will lead to your big picture goal.

Outline the smaller goals and steps and the priority which each should be achieved and the resources you will need. 

X‘amine each step to make sure each small goal and step are consistent with your big-picture goal.

Initiate a schedule and time-frame to accomplish the goals and steps, add to your to-do list and block it on your calendar.

Ensure you can measure your progress – know when you’ve reached each goal and celebrate!

What is your big-picture goal?

Many Moxie Sisters I’ve spoken with and worked with, have mentioned two Big-picture goals; financial independence in a business that is their calling and wanting to navigate a change in their calling and the direction of their business.

While each Moxie woman has a creative, bold outlook, all have different circumstances, resources and paths to follow and that’s what I love most about Moxie coaching – seeing their possibilities develop, their paths become clear and the journey to meeting each Moxie goal that leads to their big-picture goal!

How about you? What is your big-picture goal, how can I help you achieve it?

Schedule your free Moxie [em]Power Chat and let’s see how we can help you reach your Big-picture goals!