
Blank page. Fingers on the keyboard ready to create, just waiting for inspiration to hit.

I’m ready, but it’s always a gamble if inspiration will be.

The plan is always to inspire and incite you as a Moxie Entrepreneur and Creative mind to show up fearlessly in your business.

And so it goes as a Creative. We hope and pray inspiration will be there when we need it. We rely on it to be seen and shine. We wait not sure what to anticipate – a lightning bolt moment to be moved, lifted, even gasp all wide-eyed with a great “ah-ha” moment. But can we really WILL inspiration and creativity in the moment?


This article is my example. I started with a vague idea, not really an inspiration. I want how I find inspiration to be unique and not a rehash of some other person’s opinion, and I want it to spark a new way of finding inspiration for you.

While being inspired and finding inspiration are two different phases of inspiration, can be found on demand, it takes preparation and discipline to have inspiration flow.

Every Creative should have a routine which will enhance the “dreaming” moments. Creating a way to give life to our moments of vision will allow us to conceive new ideas for our business, leading to reigniting our love for our business, reinventing it, or even pivoting toward something brand new.

Here are some tips that are intended to help you have inspiration when you need it most.

1. Have a pen handy at all times.

My purse has one in every pocket and zipper compartment so I can grab something without breaking my concentration from whatever is sparking my imagination.

2.  Carry a notebook, pad, note taking or voice app.

Whatever your style, have it handy since you never know when an inspiring thought will hit. Initially, I do this in handwriting because I can do that quicker and I’ve found I retain the thought pattern better for later when I expand the idea into my electronic notebook.

3. Organize!

I’m always looking to do things more efficiently and organized. I keep a folder of all the random notes until I can transfer them to Evernote (there are many apps out there, this is my favorite). With Evernote, I have created specific notebooks, templates, and tags and file it accordingly so I can reference it later.

4. Make a plan.

When you know, you will have to be diligent and create, plan the time and pay attention to how you work best and create a routine around that. Setting yourself up to be open and ready will help inspiration come when you need it.

5. Clear your desk and your mind.

I begin by contemplating, purposely quieting my mind. Prayer or meditation, even for a moment will open your mind to your heart and inspiration.

Sometimes I change locations create. Moving to a different location, yards or miles from your desk can make a difference in finding inspiration.

6. Tune out.

Turn your devices to silent or airplane mode. You know how easy it is to be tempted to look and see who just texted you! Try instrumental music in the background, no music at all, or crank your favorite tunes. Experiment and see how you are most inspired to be ready to create!

7. Perspective and Curiosity

Try a new hobby, read a new genre book or magazine, take a different route, a different activity. Do something outside your comfort zone or out of character (who doesn’t love to surprise friends when you tell them what you did!).

Be curious, ask questions and observe. What is moving you internally? How are you being inspired? Make notes for yourself, take photos, save everything. You may not find a reason for the inspiration now, but it may be the catalyst for a new idea later.

8. ASK.

By clearing your mind, getting rid of the non-essential thoughts that seem to jam up our brains will bring new inspiration and ideas. I have found first hand that when I pray and ask, I become flooded with ideas and thoughts. That’s how my journaling can go on for hours some mornings!

9. Journal.

It may not be intuitive for you, but by creating a habit, you will build a treasure trove of thoughts and ideas. Journaling doesn’t have to be only words; you’re creative – journal pictures, doodles, photographs, make captions or write poetry – try something different!

10. Personal Challenge.
Pick a topic/theme or method and do something creative every day for a week for example. Save and organize the work you do during your challenges, These inspiring ideas themselves can be inspiration later.

11. Read & Notice.

Go to a bookstore and look at the table of contents in books for ideas, bibliographies for other sources of information and viewpoints. Check out magazines, and even look at the junk mail (sometimes simple words or colors can spark an idea!).

Creating the intentional act of recognizing and capturing new ideas day to day, in different scenarios, and different ways, keeping them organized can be the catalyst for inspiration when you need it.


What routines or habits help keep you inspired whenever you want to be?

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