
Hello Ladies! I’m in my office today working on my plan for 2018 to meet the new year Head on and with Moxie. What I want to give you a few steps and some thoughts on getting ready to head into the new year with Moxie. You may want a piece paper and a pen and take a couple of notes as a reminder when you do your planning.

To get started, what you want to do is consider the past year.

  • What were your intentions at the beginning of this past year?
  • What worked? What didn’t work?
  • What did you accomplish or not accomplish?
  • What did you do that made meeting those goals successful?

Give these some consideration and just brainstorm.

Write down all the things you worked toward that didn’t work and why. This will give you some insight as to what you might need to do this coming year for goals that you are going to continue to work on as well as for new goals and what you will need to do to accomplish them.

Then, reflect, be quiet and just clear your mind and make your notes. Once you have things mapped out, I want you to think ahead. What do you have planned for this coming year? I want you to dream big and bold – map out goals you may not even think are possible. And I want you to write them down. While they may seem impossible, write down the steps that you would need to do to accomplish each one. What needs to happen, what do you need to do, or change? There are no obstacles – there are just steps.

Last week I spoke about our excuses and the things that become the boulders that we put in our own way. But I want you to consider what you need in order to meet your goals do you need time, money, knowledge (that otherwise could become the boulders of obstacles)?

Consider how you can go about finding these resources and then do it. What will it take to obtain those big, bold goals?
Because you are a woman with Moxie and you can do this.

  • Next, I want you to think about your mindset.
  • Do you really want this bold goal?
  • That bar you’ve set – are you of the mindset that you are going to reach it?
  • Are you at the mindset that you will reach it?

You may not know how right now, but with your mindset are you determined to reach it by the end of the new year?

So what are your goals and is your mind in the right place?

Get rid of, ignore the discouragement and the things that maybe people have said unknowingly that could hold you back, or possibly expectations that you will rail. Ignore them because you can do it.

Once you have your goals and dreams mapped, I want you to visualize – dream big. Pray, visualize, meditate on your steps. And ready or not, just go for it! There’s nothing that can hold you back and if you think there is something that can hold you back let me know, we will work on it together.

I invite you to your what your goals on The Moxie Sisterhood Facebook group. If you have questions, need some thoughts on the steps you need to take or looking for other ideas, allow the Sisterhood help you! Be part of the conversation because are in the same place we are all working on goals together. I want you to have the most fabulous year this coming year – it’s going to be a great one!