
It was eye opening.

During my daughter’s junior year of college she was required to take a professional practices class. Part of the curriculum was preparing her for her future by learning to set goals and outline a plan for her life and career and  identify what she would have to do to accomplish those goals. It taught her how to pursue her life goals and that she didn’t need permission to have a life she wanted.

As she talked to me about what she was learning, she mentioned something that I had never realized. And it made perfect sense.

All our lives we have been told what to do, when to do it and how to do it. As children, we expect our parents to guided us when it was time to go to bed, time to go to school, time to brush your teeth. And then, in school we rely on our teachers, guidance counselors and coaches – time for class, time to select your career or college, time for the game.

Having that guidance is intended for our good…but then we reach the threshold of adulthood. Now there’s no one to guide us for what’s next. We are expected to act and be adults out in the real world, but we find ourselves somewhat ill-equipped to know what to do next. Subconsciously, as adults, we wait for some guidance, direction, and permission.

Is it any wonder we women feel stuck in areas of our lives? Waiting to step out. Waiting for permission.

This thought was pivotal for me. I realized as an older adult, I too was still waiting. I was biding my time until an unknown “someone” would say to me “ok, now it’s time..”. As if I needed someone to give me permission to be a grown-up, or do what I’d dreamed of doing or being. Waiting to be given “the nod” that I was now good enough. It’s no wonder I was feeling held back. And who is this “someone”? Do you sense you are still waiting too?

As women with Moxie we now know there is no one who needs to give us permission except ourselves – the “someone” doesn’t exist outside of our own minds. It is our own limiting thinking that doesn’t grant us the permission we are waiting for.

I decided then and there to give myself permission. I wonder where would I be now if I had given myself permission 5, 15 or 25 years ago.

So, in case you might still be in a waiting pattern, waiting for permission, here it is from one woman with Moxie to another:

You have permission. You already know you have the Moxie. You should be yourself without judgment. Pursue your greatest dream or challenge because you can. Just do YOU! There are people in the world who are searching for and in need of what you have to offer.

Understandably sometimes we need some help. I have needed help in several areas of my life so I seek out those who can challenge me to grow in potential because it is a journey. If you are ready to discover your Moxie, or perhaps stretch your Moxie to new heights, join the conversation  and contact me. Working together we will empower you to own your Moxie and design your life to accomplish the things you set your mind to.

So give yourself the permission and own it!