
We reach a certain age, and there’s a little inner voice that begins to make us feel a little bit discontented, even unfulfilled.

We begin to look back and look around and wonder. Maybe you wonder how you ended up where you are now and where you went off track from what you thought you’d be doing in your life.

Maybe you made conscious decisions along the way knowing you were putting your dreams and goals, on hold. And now that little voice is trying to tell you it’s time for change.

Or you may not hear the voice necessarily but feel a little ill at ease – like there’s something more you should be doing to find fulfillment, or maybe you feel plain stuck.

Could it be the dreams and goals you had as a young person which you put on hold, felt you had to let go of, or maybe opted to let go of, are still tugging at you?

Maybe these dreams are part of your life’s purpose.

Perhaps that’s why you feel that nudging that there’s something more.

Revisiting your dreams may be the answer to that nudging!

Admittedly, life does take twists and turns, and we make the decisions we do for the right reasons at that moment. But then again, could it be that we were selling ourselves short?

Did we simply not have the resources or confidence back then?

Were we afraid or listening to someone tell us we couldn’t or shouldn’t?

These are all the wrong reasons, but we justified them as the right reason at that moment for not being able to or shouldn’t pursue our dreams.

Knowing now that you are a woman with Moxie;

A woman who is capable,

A woman who has overcome what you have and has your accomplishments in life?

A woman with the bold, achieving mindset like you have?

What possibilities do those dreams hold now for what’s next in your life?

What would it take to make it a reality now?

My guess is it wouldn’t take much more than who you are and what you are capable of already today.

The time is now to dust off those dreams, see which one still lights you up and begin to see how it fits into your life now!

I challenge you to try. Give that dream new life and decide that now is the moment to start.

Once you decide to begin and make a change, with the intention of finding new purpose and deeper fulfillment, I know you will realize the possibilities to achieve your dream.

If you would like support and guidance in walking through Discovering, Designing and Achieving what’s next, schedule a call with me at themoxielady.com and you can also find support on the FB community at ownyourmoxie.com.

Isn’t it time to dust off your dreams and figure out what’s next?