
I am a woman with moxie. Here is what I’m about, my Moxie Manifesto…

I’m about accepting who I am and making myself fabulous – my body, my mind, my soul and my spirit.

I embrace ALL I have to offer- and refuse to hide it or minimize it.

It’s about knowing I have great value and experience – I embrace it, and empower others with confidence and purpose.

It’s about all I am capable of and refusing to give in to fear.

It’s about owning my quirks, my non-conforming interests and unusual abilities – they are my personal hallmark, my “special sauce” which makes me memorable and uniquely me! I will no longer hide it.

I am stable, strong and sure.

I enjoy surprising people with my uniqueness, living on the edge of the world’s expectations.

I was made uniquely me and have amazing gifts to share. It is my obligation and privilege to develop my gift to its fullest potential – bring it ALL out of hiding and make it the best it possibly can be.

I pledge to treat myself with love, patience, kindness, respect and without judgment, ego or harshness.

I pledge to call myself out when I use excuses, wimpy phrases or act in fear.

I pledge to DISCOVER, OWN and LIVE my moxie because I AM A WOMAN WITH MOXIE!

Are you a woman ready to discover YOUR moxie? Join our Facebook Group and join in the conversation!

Print your The Moxie Manifesto!