
A surge of adrenaline ran through me and an impatient anger bubbled up. I am a successful woman with my own business, a mother, a wife. I have great friends and a wonderful family. Life is good and things are rolling along status quo. But there is something missing—something I just couldn’t put my finger on, like I was missing out somehow.

As my husband and I launched our adult daughter into her own life, what I felt was missing from mine became clear. Here she was going off into the world to do exactly what she planned to do—her plan, executed. She worked hard to find her dream job in a city that offers everything she is looking for and she could bike or walk to work. “This is the time to do this, Mom” she would say to me. And she is right.

I thought about how she is unafraid to walk toward her plans and dreams. Yes, this is her time. Then I asked myself, Why have I not done that?  I quickly realized I have been waiting for some kind of permission. Oh, I had dreams, I think about them from time to time, and I could list all sorts of excuses for not acting on them over my life. After all, I have spent years doing what is expected of me to do – essentially polishing the “pearl” of my life; perfecting all my roles in order to meet others’ expectations. But now, like the little grit that begins an oyster’s process of building a pearl, my “grit”, is nudging me to step out, own my dreams, own my moxie, and be me!

No more settling for things, no more just allowing life to happen.

This surge of adrenaline has awaken my inner grit, my moxie, and has me shouting, It’s my time!

This surge of adrenaline has awaken my inner grit, my moxie, and has me shouting, It’s my time!

It was time to face up to the fact that I am NOT living to my fullest potential or being my most fabulous self. There I was, missing out on what I was meant to be or do. No wonder I was unfulfilled and unsatisfied! I was hiding behind the pretty “pearls” I  had created and polished instead of the bold color jewels of my bold individuality.

So on that day, with all the adrenaline surging, I made a vow to dig down within myself and discover who I am, what I’m capable of, and tap into my moxie.

Making this change is a choice. A choice to change my status quo, take responsibility and get rid of my own excuses, and ignite my inner danger – that moxie, that boundary that when I bump up against it, gets my heart-rate up with excitement.

So when I talked about my breakthrough with my husband of 30 years, he said “finally!”.

That’s what this blog and my coaching is about – discovering our inner moxie, our inner fire.

If you’ve read this far, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You probably have had a similar sense as well. Maybe you haven’t discovered it yet, or worse, maybe you’re trying to ignore and forget all about it, but you know that you also can become that unstoppable, bold woman that you are designed to be.

So how do you know if you are ready to discover what is beneath the polished layers of YOUR pearls?

  • When you look in the mirror, are you reminded of your hidden potential, missed opportunities,and dismissed dreams?
  • Are you tired of living up to others’ expectations and not your own?
  • Are you longing to finally be your best, boldest self?
  • Are you making excuses for not fulfilling your purpose?
  • Is it time to make some serious changes, face fear head on,and unleash the confident woman you’ve held back?
  • Is it time to have a fulfilling life?

Will you join me? Let’s shed those pearls of expectations, unleash our moxie and become the women we are meant to be!  I am excited to work with you one-on-one, during a Tenacity weekend retreat, or in one of the Discovery groups that are forming soon.  Contact me and let’s chat.

“To act is to be committed, and to be committed is to be in danger.”   James Baldwin