
“I can do it myself.”

The famous proclamation of almost every toddler, and it doesn’t’ end there. Even as adults we insist we can do most things ourselves. But the question remains – should we? That toddler will need some guidance at first, then just some supervision as they build the skill. We Moxie women need guidance as well, even though we will insist we don’t.

Going it alone

As Moxie women, we tend to be confident that we can do anything ourselves and we find it difficult to ask for help even if we know we need it. We then work twice as hard and even struggle to accomplish what we set out to do. So what’s the motivation to do so many things by yourself?  I’ve compiled a list of reasons I’ve seen or experienced.

  1. To grow and challenge our independence or self-accountability.
  2. To PROVE to someone else or ourselves that we CAN do it.
  3. We are convinced we are better off doing it by ourselves (we are stubborn).
  4. Fear of failure or embarrassment or lack of knowledge.
  5. Procrastination.
  6. Lack of interest.
  7. Simply an introvert.

I’m sure you could add to this list as well.  As I reflect on this list, the first two may be the most positive reasons for doing something alone.

Being part of the group

Challenging ourselves is good and yes, doing it alone could be beneficial, but is it? Being part of a group of like-minded people provides so many more positive reasons than going it alone.

  1. Accountability. As Moxie women, we are movers and shakers and we don’t sit still very well. We also find there are times we need some outside accountability to stay on track and motivated. I know I do!
  2. Learn from others. Being a part of conversations with others offering support is a great way to learn.
  3. Stretch your thinking as you help others. Supporting someone else challenges everyone to brainstorm ideas, recall experiences and offer advice that you might benefit from as well. You never know what will trigger your next inspiration.
  4. Being part of a group can be fun. And who doesn’t want to have some fun!
  5. New Perspectives. With group support and input, you have the perspectives and ideas of others which may provide you a whole new way of thinking!
  6. You aren’t alone. Being with like-minded Moxie women, you learn quickly that you aren’t alone. The things you are working toward may be what others are too, or have in the past. And it is comforting to have the encouragement and support of others who get you.
  7. Celebrate! Like-minded women rooting for you will make your wins a celebration because everyone understands how hard you’ve worked at it!

Unleash Your Moxie

Moxie sister, part of living a life with Moxie is always reaching and stretching ourselves to be better and more impactful. Making those changes, big or small, is always better in a group, that is why the Moxie Sisterhood was created. It is also why I’ve designed the Moxie Sisterhood’s “Unleash Your Moxie” Mastermind!

Stepping toward a bigger, bolder Moxie life takes work and accountability to break the cycle of starting strong and then stalling resulting in frustration and unrealized goals and dreams.  The “Unleash Your Moxie” Mastermind is the program I wish I had years ago. Imagine what you can accomplish and how you can grow Discovering, Owning and Living your Moxie with the support of a Moxie Coach (me) and the small group of 8 like-minded women providing you with the tools and support you need!

Can you do it yourself, work toward your goals and dreams of a life with great Moxie? The question is, why would you want to do it yourself?  Go to www.DiscoverYourMoxie.com to learn more about the “Unleash Your Moxie” Mastermind.

The next Mastermind begins November 2nd and seats are limited so don’t wait!

Other posts:  The Moxie Journey

6 Ways of Knowing You Have Moxie