A beautiful autumn day.
I couldn’t ask for a more beautiful day.
The sun was out and warm.
Not a cloud in the sky.
My best friend and I were sharing a bench just talking about “life, the universe, and everything” (to quote my favorite book, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy).
This image was the serene view from our bench at the State Park. Stunning colors, warmth, laughter, and seriousness too. Then moments of quiet peace as we just took in God’s palette and witnessed the gently floating leaves in the water as others joined them with each breath of breeze.
Leaves. Gently floating by drifting in the slight current and gentle breeze. They float randomly. To what end? Where are they going? What does God have planned for that leaf? Ah, perhaps its purpose in this season is to be right there for just such a time as this, providing the gentle peace for my soul. To be there when we stop even for just a moment to find a moment of peace we are seeking.
Even the leaf has a purpose but a different calling in each season of its short life vision journey.
Imagine how much more impact and cause for celebration that you have in your life vision journey!
“Who knows? Maybe you were made for just such a time as this.” Esther 4:14
I’m sure that by now, days later, those leaves have landed someplace to fulfill the next phase of their journey, but now I have immortalized that moment of the day in an image. It is an image of peace and tranquility, laughter and insight, memories and conversation about life, the universe, and everything with my best friend. A day this image will allow me to revisit each time I view and meditate on it.
The new year is fast approaching and so our Life Vision Journey continues into the next chapter. Let’s write that next chapter together and clarify your lens for your journey! A new 12 week group is forming – The Moxie Sister Circle. Eight women preparing for their next chapter! Join us – learn more here!

This Contemplative Photograph
How does this image speak to you?
- Be present and bring your experience, your thoughts, and your prayers as you quietly study the details of this image. What does it remind you of? What message does God speak to you through it?
Photography is a perfect way to worship, heal, and pray that anyone can do for themselves by simply being present, aware, and mindful of seeking God all around in every moment and each detail.
You don’t need to be a professional photographer; this image was created with my iPhone 6s. It’s not how you record the moment; it’s how you respond when you notice the moment!