
As an old year closes and I look excitedly and imagine the possibilities of the new year ahead, I begin my old-year review and new-year planning.  I don’t usually commit pen to paper to create a formal plan until late December when I finally have a few quiet moments to formulate my thoughts (and track down those scraps of paper I made little notes on). My goal then is to at least have the basic outline for the new year. Then on New Year’s Day, after our overnight guests have left, I settle in to ponder the new year.

The year also usually has a mantra or theme. This acts as my filter for my activities and plans for the new year. 2018 is about ‘leveling-up” for me. I broke it down as Engage – Execute – Evolve. Leveling-up my Moxie for getting things done, throwing myself into things I may only have sat planning and thinking about before, and it’s about growth. As I worked down my goal list which actually looks more like a to-do list, I thought about how I can change the “leveling-up” to “Moxie-up”, and these 8 ways seemed to float to the top as important. To make it a “Moxie-up” I simply added a Moxie synonym – and it all took on a life of its own!

1 – Have a Spirited Plan. Don’t just float through the year without one. That only promises business-as-usual and remaining in whatever status-quo you’ve developed over the past year. Make your plan. Think Big. Dare to make a list like I did recently of all the things that would scare the &%#! out of me if they happened.  And really, how scary would it really be? If you can dream it, chances are you could do it and it probably isn’t as scary as you think. This plan actually should be your map for the year. You are at your starting point – what’s your destination? You can’t get there without a plan, and as a Moxie woman – you have the Moxie for a Spirited Plan.

2 – A Daring Focus. We are bold and busy women. We are usually pulled in multiple directions at the same time by other people’s needs and requests and they will continue to hijack you so long as you allow. I challenge you to use your Moxie and Focus. Focus on what is important to you – and YOU should be at the top of the list. Take care of yourself, Body, Mind, and Soul. Only when you are in top condition can you be of greater value and impact for others’ needs and requests. Self-sacrifice serves no one. So create and plan some regular self-time. Plan it on your calendar like you would a doctor’s appointment and commit to it. This may seem counter-intuitive to the “superwoman” role we tend to adopt but I know you will feel even more super when you commit to a Daring Focus.

3 – Bravery to Let Go. What are you holding on to that you may be afraid to let go of, yet is what may be holding you back? A negative person or circumstance? A poor attitude caused by history or someone else? You are a woman with Moxie, you are better than all that – It’s time to release and let go. The more space we create, the more we can receive. Bravery in letting go can come in the form of forgiveness – of ourselves or of others; a change in habits; a change in our space such as our home or office; or a change in mindset. This is the year. It’s time to expend your Moxie and embrace the Bravery to Let Go.

4 – The Stamina to Cleanse. This can mean so many things. And probably something different to each of us. But I encourage you to have the stamina to cleanse. Cleanse your body of poor habits – this is the only body we have, let’s make it last. Cleanse your living space – of the trivial “stuff” we tend to collect – what are you hanging on to that no longer serves you? Cleanse your social calendar of things that don’t serve except to suck your time – that is one non-renewable resource that you only get one chance at. Cleanse of negative people and situations – they will suck the life from your soul and will drag you to their level. Cleansing your mind – we are encouraged to “renew our minds”. Toss out old mental tapes and rules and all the lies we tell ourselves, imagine how much mental energy is available for truth and happiness and positive thoughts! You are a Moxie woman, use your Stamina to Cleanse.

5 – Fearlessly Learn. We are never too old to learn and this day in age, it’s never been easier to learn either! What is on your bucket list? What have you always wanted to do? There are usually choices for local and virtual learning experiences and information. Take a class, learn a language, take up a new sport. Do it big, do something surprising, do something for yourself because you have to feed your Moxie so Fearlessly Learn!

6 – Boldly Connect – with your Moxie self. Each of us was born for a unique purpose and with unique strengths and gifts. This is something I truly connected with myself recently. We each are given these gifts and strengths because we have a vital part in this world and have a purpose. If we get hung up on old decisions, regrets, people-pleasing, and all the things that we are taught to see as “blocks” or “barricades”, we will not live to our fullest potential. By boldly connecting with your Moxie, your inner strength and explore it, declare it and then boldly play, you will find a connection with yourself that will bring such fulfillment and satisfaction that other people will take notice.  This year, take the time and attention to Boldly Connect.

7 – Have the Fortitude to Accept. Accept yourself for the Moxie beauty you are. As you are right now. We grow up learning we shouldn’t be conceited and somehow that was translated in our minds as we should always be dissatisfied with who we are or how we are and put ourselves down. We seem to always wish we were like someone else. Guess what. That “someone else” is wishing she was you! Look, we may not be where we want to be but we don’t have to stay here either. Let your dissatisfaction be your motivation for the things that you can change and call upon your Moxie to carry out that change. But don’t try to change who you were made to be, in other words, don’t wish to be “like her”. You have your gifts and purpose, she has hers. Don’t waste your life wishing you had someone else’s gifts. Have the Fortitude to Accept yourself as the amazing Moxie woman you are.

8 – Use your Adventurousness and Push. Your boundaries that is. Do something that scares you and see just how easy it really was! What is on you Spirited Plan for 2018 that will push your Adventurousness?

So what is your Moxie 2018 going to look like? My plans include all of these things and more.

If you are ready to Moxie-up your new year, let’s work together. I’m offering a free Moxie Strategy Call to you to chat about your plans and see how we can Moxie-up your year. Go to Sessionwithcheryl.com by January 7th to schedule your chat.

And watch the Facebook group and your email inbox for the 2018 schedule of Moxie Events! Let’s Moxie-up our year together!